Privacy Policy

Persentio Centrum Kft. (registered office: 2000 Szentendre, Tegez u. 29-31., tax number: 12421121-2-13, hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider" or "Data Controller"), as the data controller, acknowledges the contents of this legal notice as binding on itself.

It undertakes to ensure that any processing of data relating to its activities complies with the requirements set out in this Policy and in the legislation in force. The privacy policy relating to the Service Provider's data processing is available on the website on an ongoing basis. Persentio Centrum Ltd reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Of course, it will inform its audience of any changes in due time. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact us at or any of our contact details. Persentio Centrum Ltd. is committed to protecting the personal data of its customers and partners, and attaches the utmost importance to respecting the right of its customers to information self-determination. The Service Provider treats personal data confidentially and takes all security, technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the data.

The Data Controller sets out below its data management principles, the expectations it has set for itself as a data controller and the standards it adheres to.

Its data management principles comply with the applicable data protection legislation, in particular:

Act CXII of 2013 - on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information; Act V of 2013 - Civil Code (Civil Code); Act C of 2000 - on Accounting (Accounting Act); Act CVIII of 2001. Act C of 2003 - on electronic communications (Eht.); Act XLVIII of 2008 - on the basic conditions and certain limits of economic advertising (Grt.).

1. Data of the Service Provider as data controller:

Name of the website of the provider:

Name of service provider.

Service provider's registered office: 2000 Szentendre, Tegez u. 29-31.

VAT number: 12421121-2-13

Contact details of the service provider, regularly used e-mail address for correspondence with customers:

Address for correspondence of the provider: 2000 Szentendre, Tegez u. 29-31.

Telephone number: +36 70/391-3776

Name of registering authority: Pest County Court of Registration

2. Definitions

2.1. data subject: any specified natural person who is identified or can be identified, directly or indirectly, on the basis of personal data;

2.2. personal data: data which can be associated with the data subject, in particular the name, the identification mark and one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of the data subject, and the inference that can be drawn therefrom concerning the data subject;

2.3. consent: a voluntary and explicit indication of the data subject's wishes, based on adequate information, by which he or she gives his or her unambiguous agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her, whether in full or in relation to specific operations;

2.4. objection: a statement by the data subject objecting to the processing of his or her personal data and requesting the cessation of the processing or the erasure of the processed data;

2.5. data controller: the natural or legal person or entity without legal personality who, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes for which the data are processed, takes and executes decisions regarding the processing (including the means used) or has them executed by a processor on his or her behalf;

2.6. data processing: any operation or set of operations which is performed upon data, regardless of the procedure used, in particular any collection, recording, recording, organisation, storage, alteration, use, consultation, retrieval, disclosure, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction of data, prevention of their further use, taking of photographs, sound recordings or images, or any physical characteristics which are capable of identifying a person (e.g. fingerprints, palm prints, DNA samples, iris scans);

2.7. transfer: making data available to a specified third party;

2.8. disclosure: making the data available to any person;

2.9. erasure: rendering data unrecognisable in such a way that it is no longer possible to retrieve it;

2.10. 'data marking' means the marking of data with an identification mark in order to distinguish them;

2.11. 'data blocking' means the marking of data with an identification mark in order to limit their further processing permanently or for a limited period of time;

2.12. 'data destruction' means the total physical destruction of a data medium containing data;

2.13. data processing: the performance of technical tasks related to data processing operations, irrespective of the method and means used to perform the operations and the place of application, provided that the technical task is performed on the data;

2.14. 'data processor' means a natural or legal person or an unincorporated body which, under a contract with the controller, including a contract entered into pursuant to a legal provision, carries out the processing of data;

2.15. third party: a natural or legal person or unincorporated body other than the data subject, the controller or the processor;

2.16. third country: any State which is not an EEA State.


The processing of personal data by Persentio Centrum Ltd. is based on voluntary consent. In certain cases, however, the processing, storage and transmission of some of the data provided is required by law.

The Service Provider draws the attention of the data communicators to the fact that if they do not provide their own personal data, the data communicator is obliged to obtain the consent of the data subject.


The purpose of data processing: sending e-mail newsletters containing commercial advertising to interested parties, informing them about current information and promotions.

Legal basis for processing: the data subject's voluntary consent and the Grt. 6 (5).

The data processed include: identification number, name, e-mail address, IP address of the user's computer and consent to be contacted for direct marketing purposes. Duration of processing: until the user's consent is withdrawn.


The purpose of data processing: registration of applicants and participants, distinguishing them from each other, fulfilling orders, providing discounts, documenting purchases and payments, fulfilling accounting obligations, maintaining contacts, analysing customer habits, providing more targeted service, sending e-mail newsletters containing economic advertising to interested parties, providing information on current information and offers.

Legal basis for data processing: the voluntary consent of the data subject, § 13/A of the Eker. tv., § 169 (2) of the Számv. tv. and § 169 (2) of the Grt. Article 169 (1), § 169 (2) of the Data Protection Act, Art.

The data processed include: identification number, name, telephone number, e-mail address, billing and postal address, a free-word description of the package chosen, the purpose of the data subject, other comments, the IP address of the user's computer, data on invoices issued (method of payment, date, amount, name of the product or service purchased), audio, video and film recordings of participants at events and consent to direct marketing enquiries.

Deadline for deletion of data:

- 14 working days from the date of registration in the event of non-payment of the payment obligation entered into by the applicant with his/her application, or

- 8 years in the case of accounting documents generated in connection with payments in accordance with Section 169 (2) of the Act on Accounting.


- recordings of events may be published on the Service Provider's websites, social networking sites, books, CDs and DVDs.

Legal basis for publication: voluntary consent of the data subject.


If you have any questions or problems when using our services, you can contact the data controller using the contact details provided in this notice or on the website.

The Data Controller will record the sender's name, e-mail address, IP address of his/her computer and other information voluntarily provided by the sender in the e-mails received and messages sent using the form on the website.

personal data voluntarily provided by the Data Controller, will keep them confidential and store them for as long as it deems necessary to ensure the retrievability of the cases.


We will provide information about any processing not listed in this notice at the time of collection. The data subject may request information about the processing of his or her personal data and may request the rectification, erasure or blocking of his or her personal data, except for mandatory processing, by the means indicated when the data were collected or by contacting the controller at the contact details indicated. We inform our customers that the court, the prosecutor, the investigating authority, the criminal investigation authority, the administrative authority, the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, or other bodies authorised by law may contact the controller to provide information, to communicate or transfer data or to provide documents. The Service Provider shall only disclose personal data to the authorities to the extent and to the extent strictly necessary for the purpose of the request, provided that the authorities have indicated the exact purpose and scope of the data.


Mailing system:

Name: Skycentrum Betéti Társaság

1089 Budapest, 1024 Budapest, Margit krt. 31-33. mezzanine 4.


+36 1 490 0172

Data of the parking space providers:


Location:132 Budapest, Victor Hugo utca 11. 5. floor. B05001.

Contact: info@rackhosting, +36 1 211 0044

Persentio Centrum Ltd. reserves the right to engage an additional data processor, the identity of which will be individually notified at the latest at the time of commencement of data processing.


Legal remedies and complaints may be lodged with the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information: Name: National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information


Phone: 06 1 391 1400

Fax: +36 1 391 1410




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We reserve all rights in relation to the copying, distribution and use of the web pages available under the domain name and its subdomains, including any part of this website, by any method, using any technique whatsoever.

All rights reserved © Copyright Persentio Centrum Ltd., 2024.

Budapest, 1 January 2024.
